Sunday, July 22, 2007

Basil Buttered Breadsticks

These are a perfect accompaniment to spaghetti, manicotti, lasagna, etc. They are my sister's absolute favorite. She always requests various types of pasta just so she can have these garlicky breadsticks. I got this recipe from my aunt, who got it from a magazine a while ago, and since then only a couple minor things have been changed. For example, there are few recipes that I would choose to use margarine over butter, and this is one of them. Also I prefer using sub rolls in order to make individual breadsticks, but you can also use a loaf of french bread to make larger wedges.


1/2 pkg of sub rolls (3 rolls)
1/2 cup margarine (softened)
1/2 tsp chervil
1/2 tsp basil
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp onion powder

Cut all of the sub rolls in half as you would if you were making a sandwich. Take each half and cut it lengthwise into three wedges. This should give you 18 breadsticks. Mix all of the other ingredients together with a fork or spoon until well blended, and spread a thin layer on the cut surfaces of each breadstick. Place on a cookie sheet and bake at 425 for 7 to 9 minutes, until browned. ***Note*** If you cannot find chervil in your store, you can substitute it with parsley flakes. It will not taste exactly the same, but pretty close. Also, if you have any leftover the next day, chop them up, they make great croutons!

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