Monday, August 13, 2007

Chocolate Dipped Frozen Bananas

Inspired by the recent Sweet Pea Festival in Bozeman, Montana, I had to recreate the frozen bananas they had there. Typically, I've always dipped the bananas in chocolate and froze them after, however, at the festival they dipped the already frozen bananas in a warm chocolate and I must say they were by far better. The warm of the chocolate and the cold banana complemented each other as well as the fact that the flavor of chocolate comes out much more when it is room temperature or warmer. So here's the easiest recipe to recreate this at home.
1 large bag of chocolate chips ( I use semisweet, you can use whatever type you like)
1 cup water
toppings (your choice)
wooden skewers (Popsicle sticks)
Stick the wooden skewers into the peeled bananas and freeze on some wax paper overnight. After they are frozen and ready to dip, melt the chocolate and water either in a crock pot on low, over a double boiler, or even in the microwave. Make sure the temperature is low you do not want to burn the chocolate. Wait until it is an even liquid consistency, and dip the bananas. Sprinkle over any toppings you may want ( i.e. sprinkles, nuts, etc). Eat immediately, the chocolate will start to harden from the chill of the banana.

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